For the last six years, we have been teaching, training, mentoring, and embedding software talent into South African businesses. We have trained and placed more than 400 young South Africans– who deserve but cannot afford it. Our talent has been well received by South African organizations like Nedbank, EY, Discovery, FNB, Vitality, MTN and ABSA.
We currently develop talent in the following areas:
- Blue Prism RPA
- Data Engineering (SAS and MS Power BI)
- DevOps
- Quality Engineering
- MS Power Apps & Automate
- Business Analysis
We are an MICT SETA accredited training provider. We are Africa’s only Blue Prism training partner. We recently signed up as a SAS academic partner. Our teachers typically have around 20-25 years of relevant industry experience, designing and building real software. We bring these war stories and experience into our training.